Ailments of the Big Toe

Bunions (Hallux Rigidus)

If the joint that connects your big toe to your foot has a swollen, sore bump, you may have a bunion. More than one-third of women in America have bunions, a common deformity often blamed on wearing tight, narrow shoes and high heels. Bunions may be hereditary, but many are from wearing tight shoes, and 9 out of 10 bunions occur in women. Too-tight shoes also can cause foot problems such as corns, calluses, and hammertoes.

If you have a painful swollen lump on the outside of your foot near the base of your little toe, it may be a bunionette​ ("tailor's bunion"). Similar to a bunion, bunionettes can be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight. 

Chevron Osteotomy

A bunion (also known as hallux valgus) is a misalignment of the knuckle of the big toe. This misalignment causes the big toe to turn toward the smaller toes. It often creates a bump at the base of the big toe. Bunions are not always painful, but this deformity generally will increase over time.

A Chevron osteotomy is a common bunion correction surgery. The foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon cuts the end of the long bone leading to the big toe (metatarsal) and rotates the end of the bone to straighten the big toe. This procedure may be performed in conjunction with soft tissue adjustments around the joint. This osteotomy is mostly performed for mild to moderate bunion deformity. This bunion correction surgery relieves pain by restoring normal straightness to the first toe joint.

Claw Toe

Claw toe is a common foot deformity in which your toes bend into a claw-like position, digging down into the soles of your shoes and creating painful calluses. People often blame claw toe on wearing shoes that squeeze your toes, such as shoes that are too short or high heels. However, claw toes often are the result of nerve damage caused by diseases like diabetes or alcoholism, which can weaken the muscles in your foot. Claw toes can get worse without treatment and may become a permanent deformity over time. 

Ingrown Toenail

An ingrown toenail (onychocryptosis) is a common condition, usually of the big toe, where the nail cuts into the surrounding nail bed causing an infection and pain. 

If you trim your toenails too short, particularly on the sides of your big toes, you may set the stage for an ingrown toenail. Like many people, when you trim your toenails, you may taper the corners so that the nail curves with the shape of your toe. But this technique can cause your toenail to grow into the skin of your toe. The sides of the nail curl down and dig into your skin. An ingrown toenail also can happen if you wear shoes that are too tight or too short. Any of your toenails can get ingrown, but it's most likely with your big toes.


Intoeing means that the feet curve inward instead of pointing straight ahead when walking or running. If your young child has intoeing, he or she probably will outgrow the condition naturally. You don't need special shoes, stretching exercises or other treatments. By age two most children walk with their feet pointing in the direction they are heading.

Morton's Neuroma

Morton's neuroma is a thickening of the tissue that surrounds the small nerve leading to the toes. It occurs as the nerve passes under the ligament connecting metatarsal bones in the forefoot. 

Morton's neuroma most frequently develops between the third and fourth toes. It often occurs in response to irritation, trauma, or excessive pressure, and is more common in women.

Toe and Forefoot Fractures

Nearly one-fourth of all the bones in your body are in your feet, which provide you with both support and movement. A broken (fractured) bone in your forefoot (metatarsals) or in one of your toes (phalanges) often is painful but rarely disabling. Most of the time, these injuries heal without surgery. A dislocation can be mistaken for a toe fracture, therefore obtaining X-rays to ensure a correct diagnosis is important.

Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus (onychomycosis) is an infection of the nail and sometimes surrounding tissue. It is extremely common with 20 percent of the general population and 75 percent of people over 60-years-old affected. Often, the problem is cosmetic, but many patients also experience pain. Sometimes toenail fungus can lead to more serious infections.